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Can you recall the day you realized your purpose?

"Well, I can, and that day was magical! I had just entered the 4th grade when my paternal grandfather moved in with us and at the time, I didn’t know the influence and impact his arrival would have on the rest of my life. Fast forward to over 40 years later and here’s where I come in, as your personal Elder Care and End of Life Specialist who is committed to carefully taking care of every aspect of your elder care and end-of-life transition process and planning."

'With years of experience as an empathetic caregiver, healthcare administrator, certified biblical counselor, and end-of-life specialist. I received my first client, at the tender age of nine. As his caregiver, it was my job to wake up early and feed him before I left for school. The gratification I experienced from this responsibility was indescribable and shaped my future career endeavors in healthcare administration, non-medical home care, senior proofing, estate planning, and respite care.” 

“I champion the sick and elderly while acting as an advocate, bridge, and mediator within the healthcare sector. The business acumen I acquired, coupled with my passion for guiding people on how to maximize their insurance policy. I also design the blueprint for burial planning, ensure the accuracy of important documents, and provide the resources needed to ensure your needs and desires are fulfilled. My ultimate goal is to pivot into preparing individuals and their children for their Greater Journey."



In response to 80% of elderly Americans who wish to die at home amongst loved ones (Stanford University), our CEO has created two companies that cater to their needs. Faithful Home Care Solutions, LLC is a faith-based, Pennsylvania state-licensed, Medicaid- and Medicare-certified home health care agency that prioritizes the mental and emotional health of seniors and disabled individuals. Services range from companion care, general home health care, and home safety assessments plus more. In addition, we have Aging Gracefully.


Our newest enterprise, Aging Gracefully, stemmed from our CEO's nine-year-old dreams of caring for the elderly with dignity and honor. We take an integrated approach by involving family, attorneys, doctors, and others during the transition process. Through our podcasts and conferences, we share relevant information and spread our mission. Aging Gracefully handles end-to-end functionalities of burial planning. We advocate for you by promising to do all things in decency and order (1 Cor. 14:40)​.


"Aging Gracefully, bringing total peace to your family" is what the company promises. Building a global community that is prepared to leave a dynamic legacy is one of our goals as a kingdom-minded company. Become a generational blessing and leave a wonderful legacy for your children, grandchildren, and parents as you Age Gracefully!


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