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Our Services


Last Will & Testament

Last wills and testaments are the most common type of estate planning. They are a way to plan for the future and ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. It is a legal document that allows you to specify who will inherit your property when you die. It also states how you want your assets distributed and any additional instructions you wish to be included in your estate plan, such as burial arrangements.


Healthcare Directives

Healthcare Directive or Living Will is a legal document that allows you to make your healthcare decisions known to your loved ones. It states the type of medical treatment you wish to receive in certain circumstances, such as when you are in a coma or have lost the ability to make decisions.


You can also designate a healthcare proxy with this document.


Dual Power of Attorney

A dual power of attorney is a legal document that grants two people the authority to act as an agent or attorney-in-fact for an individual in managing their financial, legal, or healthcare affairs. The two people designated as agents or attorneys-in-fact can either be authorized to act jointly or independently, depending on the terms of the document. A dual power of attorney can be durable or non-durable, depending on the specific terms of the document.


Life Insurance 

Having life insurance is a significant part of your overall financial plan. In the event that something were to happen to you, or if you lost your spouse, it can help ensure that your family is well taken care of.


It will ensure the financial needs of your dependents are met even during times when they are most difficult financially.



End-of-Life Planning

End-of-life Planning is 

designed to:

  • Ensure the financial security of you and your family during and after your lifetime.

  • Provide for your children’s education, health care, or other needs.

  • Avoid probate, reduce estate taxes, and limit income taxes.

  • Maintain privacy and ensure that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes.

  • Avoid family conflicts & disagreements.

Abstract Background


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